
Thank you for taking some time to visit me on my homepage. The last 25 years I have supported my customers and clients to become more successful by reaching their goals. These experiences are the basis for my methods and models to streamline management and establish simple and effective communication.

As entrepreneur one of my most important lessons was: experiences only help those, who are willing to utilize them. Following this principle, you will find an essence of my services as keynote speaker, change mentor and professional negotiator.
I am looking forward to meeting you, Gunhard Keil

Keynote Speaker

Sometimes it takes an impulse to get things going – Gunhard Keil´s keynotes are multifarious like Italian Antipasti, show depth like French Bordeaux and can provoce like Chili.

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Professional Negotiations

If only facts defined the outcome of a negotiation, the work could be done by computers and programs. Gladly things work diffrently, when it comes to negotiations.

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Digital Change Expert

Why many change projects never reach the defined goals? Too complex, too vague, too little communication, not enough drive. Yet, things could be much easyer to have an impact.

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Bridging the distance between vision and reality, creating the future and leaving a footprint. This is my Credo.

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